Saturday, November 8, 2014

Was a Secret Meeting Held in Rosedale?

On Tuesday, October 14, 2014, Jamie Darche Warren brought in six absentee proxies to the annual meeting.  The names of Kathy Lenze and Nathan Diehl were on all six proxies.


  1. Both Kathy Lenze and Nathan Diehl were ABSENT at the OFFICIAL Annual Meeting.
  2. Association members did NOT receive advance notice that Kathy Lenze and Nathan Diehl were candidates.
  3. There were only six members of the Association present at the OFFICIAL Annual Meeting.

Concluding Facts:

  • Jamie Darche Warren and six other Association members decided prior to the Annual Meeting that they wanted Kathy Lenze and Nathan Diehl on the Board.
  • There were more Association members present at this "secret meeting" than there were present at the official Annual meeting.  At least, 7 members present at secret meeting versus 6 members present at the Official Annual meeting. 
  • Those seven Association members secretly conspired to steal the Board election, and they sent Jamie Darche Warren into the Annual meeting with their results in the form of absentee proxies.
  • Some may say that Jamie Darche Warren was lobbying to unseat the Board members up for re-election, but Jamie Darche Warren as Board President did NOT inform the existing Board members of her lobbying efforts.  How disrespectful can a Board President be to its existing Board members?

I am lobbying to have both Jamie Darche Warren and Jane Ryan removed from our Board because our Association deserves decent, fair, ethical people on our Board.  I am NOT secretly hiding my efforts to get these two Association members removed.  I am making sure that the current Board is aware of each article that I post.

Many of our units within the Meeting Street Homes Association are NOT owner occupied. Formats such as this one are more effective than trying to knock on everyone's door.  Please join me in making our Board better.

What questions do you have?  Key Community Management is a vendor who pays our bills.  They do not attend Board meetings.  They can only tell you third and fourth party information and  biased history based on the Board President's viewpoint.

Got questions, comments, or opinions?  Please feel free make your comment in writing.  I have served on your Board for several years.  Thank you for your continued attention on this matter.

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