Monday, May 5, 2014

CHS Personnel Files Reflect Inconsistencies

As stated in my previous article, I made an appointment a week in advance to see my Carolinas Healthcare System personnel file.   I was taken care of by a courteous CHS staff.  They allowed me to take notes, but no photocopying was allowed.

My personnel file stated the following:

My last date worked: 8/6/2012
My Termination Date:  8/7/2012
Action Date: 9/5/2012
Termination Reason: Staff Reduction
Eligible for Rehire? Yes

In actuality, my last date worked was 8/1/2012 as confirmed by my unsigned separation agreement.

And my termination date was August 6, 2012 which represents the end of the pay period.  This date was also stated on my unsigned separation agreement.

So why did my CHS Personnel record reflect August 6th as my last date worked?  I was not even in Charlotte, NC on August 6, 2012.  They took my badge on August 1, 2012.  They did not even allow me to clock myself out on the time clock.  They even had a CHS security officer present.

Also, why would my termination date be stretched out to August 7, 2012 with an action date of September 5, 2012?

From my research, the action date and the termination date are usually the same.  So why was my action date over a month later?

So here's my thoughts:  My White co-worker was out on medical leave.  CHS decided to lay me off before I flew out for my Sisterlocks training course.  Of course, this was prior to my White co-worker's return to work.  I was assured by the CHS attorney that my White co-worker was also going to be laid off when she returned to work from medical leave .

I believe that my White co-worker returned to work around September 5, 2012, and at that point, CHS laid off both she and I at the same time for record keeping purposes.  EXCEPT my work status was just sitting on the books in limbo from August 6, 2012 to September 2012.  Why?

I believe that CHS Human Resources did not want the situation to look like they laid off the Black woman (being me) a month before laying off my White co-worker.  But actually, Carolinas Healthcare System did lay me off a month before my White co-worker.  I filed an EEOC complaint when this all happened so it is documented as racial discrimination as well as retaliation.

So in a nutshell, Carolinas Healthcare System personnel records may reflect inconsistencies in dates.

These inconsistencies are disappointing.  The integrity of the CHS Human Resources is quite questionable.  I have a phone call out to the CHS Human Resources representative about these inconsistencies.  I have not heard back from them as of the time of writing this article.

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