Friday, December 28, 2012

Corporate America: Modern Day Plantation

To:  Spike Lee 

The media is saying that you do not plan to see Quentin Tarantino's film "Django Unchained."  On the contrary,  you of all people should watch this film.  It reinforces the message that you were trying to send in the making of your "School Daze" movie.   People need to "wake up."  Sometimes our Black people need to see things from a "White" perspective to understand.  The point is:  as long as they get the message, then that is all that matters.  Please do not criticize the messenger.  Just watch the film with an open mind . . . respect the artistry.

To: the unemployed, the restless, and the openminded . . .

There are two movies that you need to see.  1) Beasts of the Southern Wild and 2) Django Unchained.

"Beast of the Southern Wild" will show you that all you need is food, shelter, and water.  You do not need a job. No.  You need to know how to fish, hunt, and farm.  You need to know how to build shelter. You need a water source.  No Louis Vuitton luggage.  No front load washing machine.  No artwork on the walls.

"Django Unchained"  will teach you about the plantation.  There are house slaves, field slaves, and free men.  Depending on the smoothness of your skin and the texture of your hair, you may qualify as a house slave.  Now, think about what I have said so far . . .  eventually, you may conclude . . . Corporate America is the modern day plantation.  Congress is fighting for job creation . . . plantation jobs.  The "house slaves" are already climbing the corporate ladder within limitations.  No one ever gets a higher position than the plantation owners.

So everyone is programmed to try to get skills to work in corporate America.  Imagine if you were in chains with no luggage.  Just the clothes on your back.  Now, imagine someone taking off your chains (unchained) -- you are freed.  What you are going to do?

Field slaves knew how to live off the land . . .  People need to stop looking for plantation jobs and find a way to get their "forty acres and a mule."

Get rid of these "homeowner associations" . . . they are not saving property values.  People need to learn how to be self sufficient.  They need to learn how to farm.  They need land.  They need to own their house and their land outright (no mortgages). The size of the shelter is irrelevant.

The elite live off their interest in the bank not their principal.  Their money saved within "savings accounts" makes them money without them having to work another day in their life.

Wake up everyone. The only people that you need to impress is your clientele and potential business partners . . . people that you are trying to sell something to.  Otherwise, you do not need a Range Rover, Bentley, Hummer, nor a Maybach.

As far as Charlotte, NC is concerned, the city is too small to have anyone to impress except your clients.  There are very few potential business partners here.  Visit a big city to see what the real definition of "foot traffic" looks like.

To:  President Obama  Can we get our "forty acres and a mule outright?"

From:  "Free wo-man" Benita Blocker

1 comment:

  1. Lee Daniels' The Butler movie is another good movie to see to look at our civil rights history.

    If given a choice of land ownership to farm and become one's own entrepreneur would people choose that way of life versus a modern day factory job in the corporate America?

    I remind you 30 years ago factory jobs made good money for people to raise a family on. The modern day factory pay in combination with an inflated cost of living is not enough.

    I do not know if the solution is in job creation if the pay is not adequate.

    The 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington is this week. It looks like a movement is starting again. We need change.
