Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Obama versus Romney: Blue Collar vs White Collar

My clients are all asking me . . . so what's the story with the yard signs . . . I say:  I placed my "Obama" sign out first then three days later the "Romney" sign shows up.  That is the story . . .

Is not it interesting that the Obama sign is "blue" and the Romney sign is "white."  Our economy is built on "blue collar jobs" because everyone can not have a six figure salary.  The White collar workers usually do not need public schools and any public assistance. Often times the white collar workers are disconnected to the big picture of America.  I personally have been on both sides of the fence which makes me more well rounded.  I believe Barack Obama has been on both sides of the fence too which makes him more easily to connect.

In light of the damages from Hurricane Sandy, President Obama still comes across as a loving, concerned citizen.  Romney comes across as politically correct with little heartfelt emotion displayed.

This is just my opinion.  Election day is next Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. President Barack Obama clearly won this election. No recounts needed!
