Monday, April 3, 2023

The Faces attached to Augusta, Georgia Scandal


Judge James G. Blanchard Jr - oversight for fair trial and discovery of truth for the 2007rccr00181 Augusta, Georgia capital punishment case.  He released trial transcripts in 2021 for the 2008 trial. The State's intention to go after recidivism was stated for the record from the beginning the trial. The stolen goods associated with the trial were mostly costume jewelry and a bag of pennies. The first witness stated for the record that she was NOT HURT.

Hugh Hadden - public defender that brought to light that the first witness' daughter resided within a block of the District Attorney's own residence. In addition, Sheriff Strength was on site and lead a 10 to 15 men search team for "mostly costume jewelry" and a "bag of pennies" at 1 am in the morning in January 2007.

Ashley Wright - 2008 Assistant District Attorney that stated that she did not have to prove "any-"  to get her promotion. In fact, by any means necessary, the capital punishment trial needed to be expedited or eliminated in time for the promotion calendar date two days later.

Terry Spratlin Leverett - the first witness on the stand in January 2008. She stated for the record in the trial transcripts that she was not hurt. Her January 2007 medical records stated that there were no signs of injury. No biological fluids were found. No fingerprints were found. She entered into rest in January 2013.

Daniel J. Craig - 2008 District Attorney that forced the grand jury indictment in 2007 and masterminded the whole capital punishment case for his own 2008 promotion to judge. 

There are other accomplices associated with additional actions to cover-up this wrongful incarceration/scandal over the last 15 years. Augusta, GA judicial system has known about this injustice for at least the last eight years. This article will be updated as needed.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Avatar 2: Many lessons

 This email to Michael Christopher Blocker was food for thought for him. May it be food for thought for others. Warning: Avatar 2 movie spoiler alert.


Mike: So I am sure that your kindness has been a blessing to many people in the prison. You turned my life upside down, but it was necessary to see the snakes. My youth is returning because I stopped trying to make my family normal. It is normal to have some dysfunction but pure hate will pass down for generations to come. It is very scary.

So in Avatar movie this big whale is outcasted because he will kill. It is forbidden to kill. So when the whales are hunted, they are forbidden to fight. They just have to die. The outcast felt lonely and many myths started forming about the outcast. Then one day one of jake sully's sons got lured into a trap by some other mischievous boys. He had to outswim a shark and try not to drown. He couldn't do both. He was trying get air and the shark was going to eat him then the outcast whale ate the shark. The boy finally woke up thinking he was laying on a rock. Until the rock moved. The whale was what he was resting on. The whale saved his life. Thank God that we all have freedom to take a different path. This whale lead the fight against the hunters and the water people. The trap, the encounter, all of it unfolded into a plan that Only the Divine could see. Nothing was ever smooth sailing but people got to see what the outcast was made of. The outcast was a baby when his mother whale was hunted down. He wanted revenge. He finally received it.

Anyway, there were other storylines about various Avatars feeling like a freak because they are hybrids but everyone discovers themselves and what their gifts are. Anyway, once you are released, you will probably discover your other gifts.
