Sunday, January 21, 2018

January 2018: Montega Bay Jamaica shooting at a Funeral

The views were at a 20,000 views range when I first started paying attention.

After rewatching the video, over and over again, I, myself, would question three people as suspects.

However, I will not elaborate which three because I am not an authority on shootouts.

On a different subject, I did notice how fashion forward the clothes and hair was.  I made the following comment:  "On a positive note, it is good to see so many men and women embracing microlocs.  Sisterlocks, TM, Brotherlocks, tm. Sad to hear about the violence!"

OMG!  The hateful responses began.

OMG! I did not curse anyone.  I remained respectful, but still felt the "hate."

A few people mentioned that because people could not find jobs, people were accepting money to kill others for "petty matters."  I even had to block one person because she literally just made no sense at all.
Then along comes a "White man" with a "fucking shithole countries" comment.  Of course, I am thinking. Here is where the Jamaicans are going to go in on him.

I think most simply ignored the White man's "racist" comments, but one commenter that gave me such a difficult time, actually, had a cordial conversation.

The commenter even wanted me to see how "respectful" to the "White man" he was and totally disrespected me as a "Black woman."

Well, while this commenter did NOT represent the majority of the folks on this thread, I wasted so much time and energy on this dialogue that I felt compelled to create an article on it.

The local paper is the Jamaica Gleaner. "One dead at funeral shooting" is a reference article.

I highly caution people about the Montega Bay, Jamaica destination for vacation.
(I updated my Instagram app; different look)

Acrylic Painting on my Own!

Acrylic Painting by Benita Blocker, 2017.

After consulting with an art gallery, I have learned that I am a young artist.  I need to find my niche.

Acrylic painting by Benita Blocker, 2018.

I typically screenshot pictures from the Internet that inspire me to paint.  The colors can vary a little, but I like having a goal in mind.

Acrylic painting by Benita Blocker, 2017.

This butterfly took a lot of time tweaking.  It probably is one of my least favorite paintings.  I have learned that expensive paints on a cheap canvas balance nicely.  Also, cheap paint on a higher quality canvas also balances out nicely.

Acrylic painting by Benita Blocker, 2017.

Eventually, I plan to have a collection of artwork to sell.  I am still learning.  I think that I will be giving these initial paintings away.  I still need to develop a signature look and niche market.  I am trying to decide on colors and more.  I like landscapes and skylines.

Acrylic painting by Benita Blocker, 2017.

Actor JahKing Guillory (can't remember his alias name) took this photo.  I painted with richer colors.  Some people thought that it represented the 2017 Wildfires.  It was not my intent, but I can see it.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Poem: Ho Ho Ho

Trying to defend women's rights surrounding a "young ho."
People who were clueless of "Soho" called me an "old ho."
Upon collaborating to demand respect, she and I were labeled "proud ho's."
When the real message was to teach people to get to know the "ho" before  judging the "ho." 
They might find that there are smart "ho's," 
and through discovery may realize that some are "no ho." 
So start with a "hi ho" in this season of the "ho ho ho!"

Happy 2018!!!!