Monday, June 26, 2017

Wrong Answer Book Release: Chapters 15 and 16

Wrong Answer 
(book and online series release) 
by author Michael Christopher Blocker.
Edited by Benita Blocker.
Chapter 15
No plan is perfect and each plan changes with the job. I spent almost a whole weekend making plans before I finally realized that there's no need. I figured that even though the payoff is BIG, the JOB isn't. It's a simple burglary. The only plan I need is an escape plan. A way out of the neighborhood and out of the city if need be. Nasty and I have to trust that his "client" knows what she's talking about when it comes to the alarm code. Too late for mistakes now. Talking it out with Nasty made me realize that I'd rather be doing this lick by my lonesome. Some people just have to make things difficult. It's like they can't help it. I think I fall into that category sometimes. This job should be a simple in and out. Nasty and I have watched this house for two nights straight. We both know that between the hours of 10pm and 3am, no one's home.

So we're going in tonight around 11:30pm. It's almost 9pm, and I'm anxious as hell. I check my inventory for the hundredth time, making sure I have my locksmith tools and my gun. My gloves and mask are already in my pockets. I'm in all black and so is Nasty. I'm praying that once we're in the house that the safe won't be that hard to get into. We have to be out of there by 2:30am. Cracking safes takes finesse. You can't rush the locking mechanisms. Time is not always on your side. Enough of the second guessing, I gather everything and head towards the door. Nasty's outside waiting,and it's time to get the show started. I hop in the passenger side, and he pulls off. We're not smoking, drinking or even listening to any music. We both have to be clearheaded. I'm staying focused, and I can't lie, I'm a little excited. Hell, who wouldn't be over 90 thousand dollars?

I've imagined several ways to spend the money, and most of them involves Rainn. Thinking of her makes my heart heavy. I had to lie to her about not coming over tonight, and I hated doing that. I'll just have to make it up to her. Right now though, I have to force her out of my mind. We're getting close, and I'm not trying to be distracted. Nasty makes the last left into "Woodgate Homes," and I tell him to ride around the neighborhood first, then circle around the other way. I want to make sure there's no "security" patrolling the area, neighborhood watch and all that. He says it looks all clear to him, and I totally agree. He parks at the end of the next street over, and we both get out and start walking. The moment of truth has arrived.

Chapter 16
Before we get 20ft from Nasty's car, I tell him to hold up. I dash back to his car and hop in. I take the gun out of the middle of my bookbag and place it in the glove compartment. I don't think that I'll need it since Nasty packed his. I get back out and resume walking, making sure the backpack I grabbed is secured tightly to my back. I'm not worried about looking suspicious.  It's late, and it doesn't seem like any of the neighbors are up. 

We arrive at the house and walk straight to the front door like we live there. Nasty unlocks the door and immediately goes to the alarm box and starts punching in the code. At his first try, the light remains red, and I'm thinking his "client" was wrong. On his second try, when the light remains red, I'm ready to make a run for it, but I tell him to take a deep breath and try it again.  

He does and with his third attempt, the light turns green.  He closes the front door, and we walk through the house, checking each room. We work our way up to the third floor master bedroom, and when I finally see the safe, I'm almost mortified.  Its like nothing I've ever seen before. It stands about 7ft and looks like something that should be in the U.S. Pentagon. 

There's a big red light shining about midways on the safe, with a green light right beside it that's dark. I assume it's locked, and I tell Nasty that I'm not sure about this type of safe. I don't see a number touch pad or a turn dial. The only thing that I see is a fingerprint recognition screen, and I don't know anything about those. I walk over to the safe in awe, getting a better look. It certainly is state of the art. I reach out, grab the handle and try turning it left and right. Nothing happens, but when i pull the handle the door opens just a fraction.

I keep pulling, and the door slowly opens all the way. Nasty shines a penlight inside, and both our mouths drop open. There's six shelves inside, four of them are stacked with money and two contain jewelry. I see Rolex, Bulova, stacks of hundred dollar bills, fifties and twenties. There's even a moneybag with Susan B. Anthony dollar coins inside, and they don't even make those anymore. I don't know how much is in the safe, but there's definitely more than 90 thousand. i take my backpack off and start stuffing it. Nasty does the same and within 8 minutes we clean the safe out. Mission accomplished; time to go. 

We go downstairs at a brisk pace trying to move fast, but we can't because the bags are so heavy. Fortune was on our side tonight. We make it out the front door and keep a calm, nonchalant pace as we walk back to Nasty's car. We put the backpacks in the trunk, hop in, and he pulls off. We drive right out of "Woodgate Homes" and not soon enough. Now, we have to go and count this "moolah." Nasty suggests his place. I say "no" to that and suggest getting a room at Augusta Inn. He agrees so that's what we do.

Please tune in NEXT Magnificent Monday for Chapter 17 of the book Wrong Answer.  Thanks for your prayers for release and following us!

#exonerateMichael A mind is a terrible thing to waste!  

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Wrong Answer Book Release: Chapter 14

photo credit: Instagram

Wrong Answer 
(book and online series release) 
by author Michael Christopher Blocker.
Edited by Benita Blocker.
Chapter 14
Later on that night, while Rainn and I are watching TV, I get a call from Nasty.  He's calling to tell me he has my other two bands, and of course, he wants to know my decision.  I tell him that I'll pick up the money after I get off from work tomorrow.  That's all I say before I hang up.  He knows I can't talk, and believe it or not, I know I'm still contemplating the 90 thousand.  That's why I didn't or haven't told Nasty "No" yet.

Twenty minutes later, I get a call from Carol, my cousin and “conscience.”  She's calling to check in on me, and see how I'm doing.  She's been making sure to keep me on the “path of righteousness" as she calls it. I'm always happy to hear her voice.  I'm grateful to God for her "intervention."  If it wasn't for her contacting me when I was in prison at my lowest, I don't know where I'd be at this moment in life or even if I'd be alive.  She ask me if everything is alright.  I tell her it is, being evasive.  I'm not about to tell her of my dilemma.  I already know what she would say.  I assure her that I'm good, and I inquire about the family.  She tells me everyone's fine.  We small talk for a minute and end the call with her making plans to visit. I can't wait to see her and give her a big hug.  Even though, when we hang up, I start feeling "guilty" because I know that I have determined the "wrong answer" to my dilemma.  

I realize that I seriously want to go after the 90 bands with B.  I just hope nothing goes wrong, and in the back of my mind is the thought that "something always does."  Enough thinking. I push all thoughts and doubts out of my mind and focus on enjoying the rest of the night with Rainn.

Gypsy trotted over just as calm as could be, grabbed my phone with her mouth and took off with it.  I jumped up and chased her to the back room before I was able to wrestle it from her.  I swear that dog can read minds.  She has to be the smartest pet in the world.  I ask Rainn has she ever had Gypsy tested?  And she responded with "Now, she's family, that's all that matters."  I tell her that she's too intelligent for an ordinary dog.  Rainn says "she's not ordinary; she's extraordinary." I agree.  There's nothing else to be said.  So I sit down and resume the TV watching with Rainn.  She's definitely the best thing that's happened to me in a long time.  Later on, while we're in the bed spooning, Rainn asks "What's troubling me?"  I tell her "nothing really."  She then says "Try looking at it from this perspective:  Is B-Nasty and 90 thousand dollars worth you losing all that you have now?"

I tell her immediately "hell no, it's not!" then I ask her if she's trying to tell me something? She replies "It's a no brainer Chris, I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.  The risk is not worth your life as you now have it."  I tell her that I'm not doing it so that we can drop the subject.  She says "the subject is dropped in my book, you need to tell your mind that."  Then she put her face in the pillow and said that she was going to sleep. I said “Goodnight.”  She said “Ditto.”  My sleep was troubled though.  The night turned out to be rather long.

The next morning, I showered, dressed, fed Gypsy, let her out, fixed an omelet with onions, bell peppers, cheese, sausage and turkey slices.  I poured Rainn a glass of pineapple juice and a mug of coffee.  Took it all to her while she was still in the bed, kissed her on the lips and forehead and told her that  I'll call her on one of my breaks.  I asked her to put the Mollys and five racks up, and I was out of there.  I was eager to get to work. I was also ready for the work day to be over.  I pull up in the parking deck for “employees only,” right behind Regina's Expedition.  That's exactly what I need a dose of Regina's realness. I know that she will give it to me uncut.  As we are walking into the factory, I tell her that I have something to talk to her about at break. She responds with "sure thing, and morning to you too!"

The morning starts off slow, but soon picks up as I get into the routine of things.  This welding gig is really easy once you get the hang of it. Fire doesn't care who it burns though.  So controlling the flame is imperative.  Before I know it, break time arrives.  I've got thirty minutes to talk to Regina so we head to the break area and distance ourselves from everyone else.  She says "so what's up nigga? What'cha want to talk about? "

I tell her I've got a chance to make about 50 bands, but my girl doesn't want me to do it.  My cousin doesn't want me to do it, and I'm not even sure that I want to do it.    She asks me if I have to kill anybody? I tell her "Hell naw!"  She then ask me if my girl and cousin are crazy or retarded?  "What bitch'll try and stop a nigga from getting 50 racks?"  Hell, tell me how to do it, and I'll get it! I'll give you 10 of 'em for a finders fee nigga."  I start laughing, and she laughs with me.

Then she says  “In all seriousness though, it has to be real good reasons the two of them are saying not to do it, so I'm gonna say this: all money isn't good money; maybe you should pass on it.  The decision is ultimately yours, so if you decided to do it make sure you think it all the way through.  Pros, cons, risks, rewards, all that shit nigga.  A good plan is the best prevention.  Just don't make it too complicated.  And if you need help getting that money, call me up.  Shit, I always need extra bread."  We both laughed again. Regina's realness is so refreshing at times. Other times, it can be harsh.  I tell her thanks, and she says “Nigga please, lunch on you today."  Cool with me.  The bell rings, and we head back to the line and workstations.  Another two hours before lunch.  I'm going to see how many frames I can knock out by then.  I have to figure out or either ask Regina what she'd prefer for lunch. I'll eat just about anything so I'll let her decide. Plus, I have to call Rainn and Nasty. It's time for us to get together and orchestrate this lick. I want to try to foolproof it for all contingencies.

Please tune in NEXT Magnificent Monday for Chapter Fifteen of the book Wrong Answer.  Thanks for your prayers for release and following us!

#exonerateMichael A mind is a terrible thing to waste!  

Monday, June 5, 2017

Wrong Answer Book Release: Chapter 13

Wrong Answer 
(book and online series release) 
by author Michael Christopher Blocker.
Edited by Benita Blocker.

Chapter 13 
I'm awaken by constant licking to my face.  I guess, Gypsy is telling me it's time to get up.  I can hear the shower running, and Rainn humming in it. I sit up in the bed, and I suddenly smell food and coffee.  I head into the bathroom near Rainn’s shower stall to take a "quiet" piss.  I make sure to wipe the seat and let it back down. It was not until I flushed the toilet that Rainn screams.  I laugh as I step into the shower with her.  She looks at me with all seriousness and says "that wasn't funny." She's trying to hide her smile though.  I tell her "My bad babe."  She says "now, that you're here" and turns around so I can wash her back. In fact, I washed her whole body, cute toes and all. Finally, she looked me in the eyes and said "I could get used to this, you do realize you're spoiling me?" I just kissed her.  There really wasn't a need to say anything.  

We finished the shower, dried off, got halfway dressed, and went to the kitchen to eat.  Cinnamon Toast, scrambled eggs, Jimmy Dean sausage, half of grapefruit and Folgers coffee.  Gypsy had a big bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch.  After we ate, I spilled the beans to Rainn and told her everything.  She already knew about B's arrest and me bonding him out.  I told her about the “90 bands.” When I was finished briefing her, she was thoughtful and quiet.  So I took that moment to walk out to my car and get the yellow envelope.  Gypsy accompanied me out to my car.  I also grabbed the Mollys and took them back inside with me.  Once inside, I placed everything on the table.  Pictures, blueprints, pills and the 5 G's. Rainn was still silent so I asked her what was up; what was she thinking?  She looked at me with such intensity that I was momentarily lost.  

She finally broke the silence and said "I meant every word I spoke when we made love this morning.  I do love you.  I don't say those words with ease either.  I've been hurt a lot, and I only say them when my heart is taken.  I don't use those words for sex or to get my way.  When I say them, I mean them, with my complete soul."  I could see the truth of her statement in her eyes.  She continued: "You have to realize that more lives are at stake other than yours and B-Nasty's.  All money isn't necessarily good money, and no money is worth the risk of your life if it doesn't involve family or saving someone. You don't need the money that bad.  We don't need the money nor the risk. You should tell B- Nasty to find someone else. Neither one of you should do it."
I'm the one who’s quiet and thoughtful now.  I go over to her and hug her tight as I can.  Then I tell her that I meant my every word.  "I fell in love with you when you stormed off from me in Footlocker.  I've been loving you ever since.  I just couldn't say it yet.  But now, you know.  I love you Rainn."  As soon as I said that, Gypsy gave a loud bark.  I said "I love you too Gypsy."  Rainn and I both laughed a little.  I kissed her, and then I told her that I'll tell B what she said and that I have to work tomorrow.  She tells me that I might as well get comfortable because I'm not going anywhere until I go to work.  I smile and tell her "I'm comfortable around you." She says, "I'll be right back."  When she leaves, Gypsy looks at me like.  What now?  Rainn returns a few minutes later with wraps, the zip bag of gas and absolutely no clothes on.  Before she can take another step though, I jump up out of my chair I look at her and say "I see sweet treats." She shakes the bag of gas, and I shake my head "no."  My eyes are only on her and when she realizes what I'm talking about she turns around and takes off running towards the bedroom.  I give chase, both of us laughing like kids the whole time.

Please tune in NEXT Magnificent Monday for Chapter Fourteen of the book Wrong Answer.  Thanks for your prayers for release and following us!

#exonerateMichael A mind is a terrible thing to waste!